Michael Kors & Interview Mag’s Pride at Stonewall Inn

On June 20, Michael Kors and Interview Magazine’s editor-in-chief Mel Ottenberg met up in a historic Stonewall Inn for a live talk about Pride and their early years in New York City.

“In honor of Pride 2023, Michael Kors has made a donation in support of the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center to preserve, advance and celebrate the legacy of the Stonewall Rebellion and the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights,” states a post on Michael Kors’ Instagram account.

Among the notable attendees were CHRISTEENE, Jordan Roth, Jeremy O. Harris, Luxx Noir London, CT Hedden, Luanne de Lesseps, Devin Halbal, with Symone and Gigi Goode as the night’s MCs.

michael kors in all black, gigi goode in silver michael kors mini dress, symone in gold mini michael kors dress and mel ottenberg on a mic in all denim pose for a photo

Michael Kors, Gigi Goode, Symone, and Mel Ottenberg.

From left: Luxx Noir London walks up the stairs; Mo’Riah, Beaujangless, Luxx Noir London, and Symone pose for a photo; Gartruche and apollonia willow wave a yellow Interview x Michael Kors flag.

christeene in yellow dress and ice blue contacts poses in front of interview x michael kors neon sign that is placed on a billiards tabel

Christeene poses in front of the Interview x Michael Kors neon light placed on a billiards table.

Jordan Roth on the left, CT Hedden and Luanne de Lesseps on the right.

Hold me like Symone is holding Gigi Goode or like Mel Ottenbegr is holding that microphone.

Devin Halbal was happy about burgers and fries.

Left: Jeremy O. Harris with friends. Right: makeup artist Alex Justimbaste AKA Diva Soria, hairstylist Andre Trinidad AKA Versex; and shoe designer Alika.

West Dakota and Serena Tea perform.

Pride merch photographed for Michael Kors at the venue.


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